Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Egg McMuffin!

Yesterday I made a fried egg like McDonald's does for their egg McMuffins! The secret is to use an egg ring and put water around the outside of the pan so it steams and cover it with a lid for a few minutes. So good!

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Today I did a great job of drawing! I started going through this cartooning book that I got for Christmas, and so far it is really fun to copy the drawings and practice a distinct, stylized technique.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Snuggling... Again

Today I spent some time with Krista reading the book "For One More Day." She read to me this time, and I did a REAL good job of snuggling and spooning her while she read. So yeah, that's what I did well today, and it was great.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Work Work Work

January 7:

Today I did a good job of working efficiently, well, at least I thought I did a good job. I'm not so sure my bosses think so, which confuses me, but I think I am improving.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Today I did a great job of learning spanish! I, along with my roommate Tyler, began using the Rosetta Stone Espanol on my computadora today. I leaned many marvelous things, and will end my post with this little nugget. El hombre come una manzana. I'm gettin' so good! haha

Reading Aloud

January 5:
Today I did a great job of reading out loud! I read the book "For One More Day" out loud to Krista while we were driving up to Davis, and I didn't really stutter or repeat myself or repeat myself. It was interesting and really fun.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pack Man

Today I packed my suitcase extremely well! I needed to fit a lot of Christmas gifts (lucky me) so it was quite a challenge. Luckily I learned from watching the master packer himself, Keith Rasted, Brent's dad, so everything fit nicely without much struggle. Carrying all my luggage on the train tomorrow, however, will be a different story.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Don't Give Up

Today, I did a good job of not giving up. I went on another bike ride, but this one was uphill for a lot of the way and was so exhausting. But, thanks to a little motivational voice in my head, and my friends, I kept right on pedaling up those hills.

Fun in the Sun

Today I did a great job of getting outdoors! The Sun Diego sun was shining bright, and I utilized it to the MAX by playing aerobie frisbee and shooting hoops in the driveway. I even busted out the mini trampoline and lowered the rim to do some high-flying dunks. So much fun!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Crepes and Pillow Thoughts

You know, it really is amazing how much we focus on the negative aspects of our day, how easy it is to dwell on those points rather than focus on positive ones. I say this especially because as I read Greeny's first two posts, I was thinking to myself "You didn't really do anything well today." Looking back on the finer points of the day, however, I discovered that I did indeed do something very well today: I made crepes for the first time today, and I did so pretty darn well!

Although some days it is difficult to search for those nuggets of good, I believe we can and we deserve to acknowledge to golden nuggets, especially amongst the bleakness of a rough day.

So thank you, Greeny, for allowing my head to hit my pillow with some thoughts of positivity rather than obsessing over things I may not have done quite so well today (just another reason I love you).

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Today I did a great job of cooking a delicious scrambled egg, cheese and sausage concoction that my lovely girlfriend and I shared.

Welcome to the New Year!

So, I realize that this post is a day late, but who really starts their Resolutions on Day !? Crazy people, that's who.
Anyways, I would like to present the maiden post for a blog centered around positivity, which is something I feel that everybody could use more of.

January 1:
Today I did a great job of lounging around and watching movies. I also snuggled my girlfriend very well.